As the flurries and cold winds take over the homes and streets of New Jersey, understanding what to do in the event of a snowstorm can potentially save your life. If you see that the national weather service is calling for a large amount of snow in the forecast, take these steps to help you and your family make it through safely.
● Keep emergency medicines on-hand. Before the storm arrives, check your family’s medication supply and make sure that you have enough of your essential medications to last through a few days of being snowed in. If it looks like you’re running low, remember to call for a refill before the storm arrives.
● Stay inside. When it begins to snow, the safest place you can be is indoors. Keep your windows closed and avoid opening and closing doors if possible — this can waste your heat and cause the inside of your home to chill. Avoid driving if at all possible, as the roads may be dangerous even after the snow has stopped falling.
● Know the signs of hypothermia. When the core body temperature drops below 95 degrees, symptoms of hypothermia can set in. Seek medical attention if any members of your family start to develop skin that’s cold to the touch, blue fingernails, or persistent confusion and dizziness — especially young children and the elderly.
● Clear snow carefully. When it comes time to shovel, make sure you’re bundling up and taking plenty of breaks. Shoveling snow is a strenuous task, so you should also bring a water bottle along with you to ensure you stay hydrated.
● Check your home for damage. Like floods and hurricanes, blizzards can leave you with the need for water damage cleanup in New Jersey. Wet carpeting and flooded basements can quickly become hotbeds for mold growth, so be sure to call for professional wet basement repair in New Jersey as soon as it is safe to do so.
Need help cleaning up a flooded basement? Rightway Waterproofing is here to lend a hand! Give our team a call today at 866-741-6190 to learn more!