To many of us, home improvement may seem like a luxury during hard economic times. Fixing up the homestead might seem like an unnecessary perk – but sometimes the best way to ensure a valuable future is to spend some money today on the things that really matter — like your most important investment.
As we’ve learned over the past few years, the housing market can be fickle. Keeping your home in good working order is the best way to make sure its value is as high as possible. Hiring a quality basement waterproofing company to make sure your home has a dry basement is one way to keep your home’s value from sinking.
Here are a few problems a good basement waterproofing company can help you solve:
Poor Construction
If the original workmanship or planning that went into building your home is faulty, a quality basement waterproofing company can address the problem. Problems here might include a poorly poured foundation, bad drainage, or bad window wells.
Settling from Age
No matter how well your home is constructed, settling will occur in time. Settling refers to just that — the natural relaxation of your home over time. It’s not necessarily a bad thing overall, but sometimes settling can cause cracks to occur in your foundation. If your home is more than ten years old, have a qualified basement waterproofing company send a representative to check for any cracks that may have developed in your foundation over the years.
Outside Water Pressure
If your foundation doesn’t have good drainage both inside and out, cracks can develop due to a process called hydrostatic pressure. If water collects on the outside of your walls with nowhere to drain, it can force itself through minuscule cracks in the foundation, making those cracks bigger.
Protection from Flooding
If you don’t live near a lake or other body of water, you might assume that your home is safe from all types of flooding and that you don’t need to worry about investing in basement waterproofing. However, the truth is that flooding can occur in any property, especially during the rainy season. A qualified waterproofing contractor in Chester County can help ensure that if there’s ever an overflow or runoff in your area, that the items in your basement are protected and safe.
Helps You Avoid Expensive Insurance Costs
Basement waterproofing doesn’t only protect you from losing furniture, toys, and photographs that you keep in your basement — it can also potentially save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in the event of a major flood. Many homeowners are surprised to learn that standard homeowners’ insurance policies don’t cover damage that results from flooding unless they purchase a special additional policy. While you can buy flood insurance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, these policies can sometimes add hundreds of dollars to your monthly insurance expenses. These monthly costs also don’t account for your deductible, which may cause you to incur thousands of additional dollars in expenses in the event that your home does flood.
Waterproofing your basement is a more affordable method to protect your home when compared to the long-term costs of flood insurance. A simple basement inspection in Philadelphia and waterproofing appointment can mean the difference between spending thousands on insurance premiums and deductibles and a home that’s well-equipped to handle minor flooding.
Rightway Waterproofing is Your Source for Basement Waterproofing
No matter if you’re simply exploring your options or you’re ready to get started with your basement waterproofing appointment before spring arrives, your first call should be to Rightway Waterproofing.